V ierundzwanzigsteljahrschrift der Internationalen MaultrommelvirtuosengenoßenschaftV.I.M. 1 (1982) - contents: 96 pages (A5) - Editor's Notes - (F.Crane)- The Silesian Jew's harp Artists - (R. Henning) - also in German - Jew's (Jaw's? Jeu? Jeugd? Gewgaw? Juice?) Harp - (F. Crane) - A Shaker Notice of the Jew's harp - (D.W. Patterson) - The Great Jew's harp Hunt of 1954 - (B.L. Mihura) - How Should the Jew's harp Part of "Washington's Birthday" be Played? - (F. Crane) - Food, Drink and Jew's harps - (F. Crane) - The Jew's harp in Colonial America - (B.L. Mihura) - An Ode Addressed to a Young Lady's Jew's harp - ("Windsor") - Einige Bemerkungen zur Echtheit der Bruno Glatzl-Bildnisse - (F.X. Kügerl) - Record Review - (R. Henning) - The Recordings of John Wright - (F. Crane) - A Checklist of Long-Playing Records with Jew's harp Music - (F. Crane) back to general view |
V ierundzwanzigsteljahrschrift der Internationalen MaultrommelvirtuosengenoßenschaftV.I.M. 2 (1985) - contents: 122 pages (A5) - Editor's Notes - (F.Crane)- Mrs. Midnight, dr. Burney, the Jew's harp and the Salt-Box - (D. Lasocki) - Punch and the Jew's harp - (F. Crane) - Trumping Around Scotland - (L. Porteous) - Jew's harps in the Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art - (L. Lubin) - Obed Pickard's Jew's harp Poem - (F. Crane) - Street of Agrigentum - (S. Quasimodo) also in Italian - Notes on Jew's harp Advertising in the Mid Nineteenth Century - (J.W. Kimball) - Jew's harps on Postage Stamps - (F. Crane) - Some Strategies for Tuning and Improving a factory Jew's harp - (M. Seeger) - The International Jew's harp Congress 1984 - (F. Crane) - An Annotated Checklist of Microgroove Records with Jew's harp Music - (Tran Q. H.) back to general view |
V ierundzwanzigsteljahrschrift der Internationalen MaultrommelvirtuosengenoßenschaftV.I.M. 3 (1987) - contents: 114 pages (A5) - Editor's Notes - (F.Crane)- The Jew's harp among the Peoples of the Soviet Union - (R. Galayskaya) - The Jew's harp in the Soviet Union - (Izdatel'stvo) - "Like a Clear Stream" - (P.Dobrobaba) - A Living Legend - (A. Kunanbaeva) - Aspects of Yakut Folklore Traditions in N. Berestov's Concert Improvisations for Khomus and Orchestra - (L.G. Il'ina) - Huddle and Twang - (L. Libin) - The Reverend Samuel Peter's Contributions to Jew's harp Lore - (F. Crane) - The Jew's Harp - (Th. Busby) - "I'm a Demon on my Old Jew's harp" - (F. Crane) - Ten Tutors for the Jew's Harp: A Review - (F. Crane) back to general view |
V ierundzwanzigsteljahrschrift der Internationalen MaultrommelvirtuosengenoßenschaftV.I.M. 4 (1994) - contents: 153 pages (A5) - Editor's Notes - (F.Crane)- Obediah Pickard: Country Music's Master of the Trump - (R.W. Butts) - The Jew's harp in My Life - (L. Greenwood) - The New Deal (for the Jew's Harp) - (H.L. Malone) - The Tonal Resources of the Trump - (A. Bruhin) also in German - "Poing" - (Ph. Bakx) - Trump Makers of Today, 1 - Friedrich Schlütter, Robbie Clement - (F. Crane/A. Bruhin) - Dvořák and the Trump? - (F. Crane) - "Jew's harp Bill" - (F. Crane) - Book Reviews (on 5 Jew's harp Books) - (F. Crane) - Supplement: A Sketch of the Life of C. Eulenstein, the Celebrated Performer on the Jew's harps (London, 1833) back to general view |
V ierundzwanzigsteljahrschrift der Internationalen MaultrommelvirtuosengenoßenschaftV.I.M. 5 (1996) - contents: 161 pages (A5) - Editor's Notes - (F. Crane)- Anthology of German Trump Poetry - (R. Henning) also in German - The Trump in British Literature - (F. Crane) - E.T.: Electric Trump - (S. Flüeler) also in German - Trumps in the Bate Collection - (J. Montagu) - Collection of Jeremy Montagu, Oxford: Trumps or Jew's harps - 121.2 - (J. Montagu) - Blackbirds, Trumpets and Trumps - (J. Wright) - Trump Makers of Today, 2: Zoltán Szylágyi - (F. Crane) - Jew's harp Composition - (T. Johnson) - Berlioz on Guimbardiers - (F. Crane) - An Iconographic Rediscovery of the Trump - (Ph. Bakx) - Linda Robbins Coleman's Concertino for Trump and Small Orchestra - (F. Crane) - Trumping on CD's (Some Humdingers) - (F.Crane) - Thoughts on Notating Music for the Trump - (F.Crane) - Musikverlag Preissler's Trump Publications - (F.Crane) back to general view |
V ierundzwanzigsteljahrschrift der Internationalen MaultrommelvirtuosengenoßenschaftV.I.M. 6 (1997) - contents: 157 pages (A5) - Editor's Notes - (F. Crane)- Trump Festivals and Congresses, Past and Future - (F. Crane) - Problems of Trump Music - (G. Alexeyeva) - Yakutsk : Khomus-Harpin' in Siber-Space - (L. Hanks) - If Only One Had Wings... - (S.S. Shishigin) - Reminiscences of Yakutsk 1991 - (F.Crane) - Tom Bilyeu 1915-1996 - (F. Crane) - An Interview with Tom Bilyeu - (F. Crane) - Subing: An Iraya-Mangayan Trump from the Philippines - (J. Baes) - The Trump in the Movies - (F. Crane) - The Trump in an 1853 Ballet - (F. Crane) - Book Review: Gjermund Kolltveit's Munnharpas Tidlige Historie i Skandinavia (1996) - (F. Crane) back to general view |
V ierundzwanzigsteljahrschrift der Internationalen MaultrommelvirtuosengenoßenschaftV.I.M. 7 (1998) - contents: 79 pages (A4) - Editor's Notes - (F. Crane)- The Khomus in My Life - (S.S. Shishigin) - The Trump in American and Canadian Literature - (F. Crane) - An 1883 Account of Serenading the Trump in the Alps - (P. Rosegger / F. Crane) also in German - The Trump and the Hindu God Shiva - (Ph. Bakx) - A Bibliography of the Trump - (F. Crane) - The Trump in Paintings, Drawings, Prints and Sculptures : a Checklist - (F. Crane) - Seven More Tutors on the Trump : a Review - (F. Crane) - The Queen who Couldn't Bake Pfeffernuesse and the King who Couldn't Play the Trump - (R. von Volkmann-Leander) also in German - Triumph of the Tenth Muse (an Arcadian Poem, 1764 - text added in German) - (R. Henning / F. Crane) back to general view |
V ierundzwanzigsteljahrschrift der Internationalen MaultrommelvirtuosengenoßenschaftV.I.M. 8 (1999) - contents: 127 pages (A4) subtitle: Papers from the 3rd International Jew's harp Congressin Molln (Austria), 1998 = every article in this V.I.M. is in English, in German and in Russian = - Editor's Notes - (F. Crane)- Overtones Used in Various Aspects of Music - (Tran Q.H.) - History of trump Production in Molln - (A. Mohr) - The Manufacture and Import of Trumps in America - (F. Crane) - The Jew's harp in Japan - (Tadagawa L.) - The Jew's harp Culture in Taiwan - (P. Mulu) - The Trump and Other Areas of Art - (I.J. Alexeyev) - From Congress to Congress - (R. Madvarova) - Norwegian Techniques of Playing the Jew's harp - (Å. Egeland) - The Playing Techniques of Various Jew's harps - (Tran Q.H.) - The Trump and Eroticism - (G. Haid) - The Lyrical Poetry of the Music of the Talking Khomus - (S. Ivanov) - Special Features of Khomus Music: Khomus Therapy, Observation, Experience and Suggestions - (S.S. Shishigin) - Jew's harp Therapy - (Iwasaki K.) - The Trump in German Prose Literature : a Sketch - (R. Henning) - Memories of Molln 1998 - (F. Crane) back to general view |
V ierundzwanzigsteljahrschrift der Internationalen MaultrommelvirtuosengenoßenschaftV.I.M. 9 (2000) - contents: 84 pages (A4) - Editor's Notes - (F. Crane)- Trolls and Trumps - ( F. Crane) also in Danish and in Norwegian - Past and Present of the Trompa in the Gran Chaco Region - (J.L. Pignocchi) also in Spanish - Three Encounters of the Trump Kind - (R. Bassara) - The Maultrommel Monument, Molln - (F. Crane) - A Bibliography of the Trump: Supplement 2000 - (F. Crane) - Bella MacPhee - (F. Crane / R. Bassara) - A "New" 18th-century Itinerant Trump Virtuoso - (F. Crane) also in French - Two New Trump Stamps (and a Retrospective) - (F. Crane) - The Heavenly Trump - (E. Henscheid / F. Crane) also in German - Memorize This! - (F. Crane) - Joseph Rock on the Naxi Trump (J.F. Rock / F. Crane) - More CD's - (F. Crane) - The Trump in Recordings of Early Music - (F. Crane) - The First Book on the Trump: a Facsimile Reprint (added in French, 1779) - (mr. D * * * * / F. Crane) back to general view |
V ierundzwanzigsteljahrschrift der Internationalen MaultrommelvirtuosengenoßenschaftV.I.M. 10 (2002) - contents: 105 pages (A4) - Editor's Notes - (F. Crane)- Fred Whitlow 1916 -2001 ( F. Crane) - The Drymba among the Hutsul in the Ukrainian Carpathians: A Recent Ethnomusicological Survey (Ph. Dallais-S. Weber-C.Briner-J. Liegme) - The Mapuche and the Trompe (J.L.Pignocchi) - Kyrgyzstan - An Adventurous Journey (S. Westad) - A Munnharpe for Giants (F. Crane) - An Album of the Trump Virtuoso Franz Paula Koch (1761-1831) (intro. M. Hett) - Travel Report: Tokyo (A. Bruhin) - A Shishigin Portfolio (F. Crane) - Khomus (A. E. Kulakovskiy) - CD Reviews (F. Crane) - Patsy Cohen's Jew's harp Band (sheet music)
back to general view |
V ierundzwanzigsteljahrschrift der Internationalen MaultrommelvirtuosengenoßenschaftV.I.M. 11 (2003) - contents: 116 pages (A4) - Editor's Notes - (F. Crane)- Two Prominent Trumpists Receive Major Honors - What is To Be Done? - (Fr. Crane) - Photos from Argentina - A Few More Photos - Trump Makers of Today: Clayton G. Bailey - Trolls and Trumps: a Supplement to the Anthology in V.I.M. 9 (2000) - The Earliest Verbal Sources for the History of the Trump in Europe - (F. Crane)- C---pensieri - (F. Crane) - Some Sources for the Life and Art of Franz Paula Koch - My Mukkuri - (dr. Abe Kazuhiro) - A Bibliography of the Trump: Supplement 2003 - CD Reviews (F. Crane) - Three 17th-Century Organologists View the Trump - Trumps in American Musical Instrument Trade Catalogs back to general view |
A HISTORY OF THE TRUMP IN PICTURES: EUROPE AND AMERICA by Frederick Crane published in 2003 / with texts and full color prints, 182 pages A special supplement to the V.I.M., containing the next: Foreword - The Earliest Depictions -The Peddler and the Monkeys - The d’Esch Family of Metz - Paintings ca 1480-1515 - 16th-century Prints and Drawings - Peddlers - Sculptures - Paintings and a Intarsia (mid to late 16th century) - Van de Venne - 17th-century Prints and Drawings - 17th and 18th-century Paintings - 18th-century Prints and a Drawing or two - 19th-century Paintings - America: Genre, Satire & Humor - 20th-century: Humor - A 20th-century Miscellany - Afterword - Iconography - Bibliography back to general view |
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