The Jew's harp CD from 1997:


Phons Bakx and musicians

Bĺrad-Dűrbeheer - BDb001-97PhB
(the CD-text is also available in a Dutch language edition)


fragment mondharpmuziek van deze CD
.wav 727 Kb - stereo - 22 Khz - 16 sec

In the spring of 1997 a compact disc was published by the man who has studied the origins of the Jew's harp in different cultures all over the world. In 1992 he wrote in the Dutch language a monograph about it.

The 22 tracks on the first cd of Phons Bakx contains a varied repertory of European folk music styles. It shows all kinds of musical instruments in combination with the Jew's harp: recorders, clarinet, bambooflute, reedflute, mouth organ, accordion, handdrums, guitar, vocals and shruti-box.

17 musicians from 10 different cultures did participate on the cd. Beside European folk music, on this cd also can be heard some 'modern' Jew's harp-duets and influences from North-American and Asiatic music styles.


the musicians:



Pomme Clayton - vocals
Anny Keene - guitar

David Campbell - vocals,
Lindsay Porteous - Jew's harp,
Duncan Williamson - Jew's harp, vocals

Salvatore Aragoni - clarinet, Jew's harp

Czech Republic:
Sáša Salinasova - vocals

Phons Bakx - Jew's harps, vase-drum
Jannet Coppoolse - descant recorder
Petra Kwekkeboom - mankosedda, recorders
Enno Meijers - Jew's harp
Gerard Marinus Verkerke - mouth-organ, vocals
Rosilde Vermijs - accordion

Franky Berhitu - suling, voice

Renadi Santoso - kĕndang

Dris Alexander - tifa, génggong wadon, gerongan

Marinus Jan Hubrechsen - vocals, sruthi-box

Washington (USA):
Kendall Rownd - Jew's harp


What's the music on this CD?


1. Impromptu in Minor Second
Enno Meijers, Phons Bakx - 2'44

2. I'll Tell Me Ma (trad. Ireland)
Gerard Marinus Verkerke, Rosilde Vermijs,
Phons Bakx - 2'52

3. What Ye Gonna Do With the Familyo
(trad. North America) Phons Bakx - 2'19

4. Ride Around (trad. North America)
Marinus Jan Hubrechsen, Phons Bakx - 4'22

5. Sí Bheag, sí Mhór (Turlough O'Carolan)
Petra Kwekkeboom, Phons Bakx - 2'27

6. Great Fun in G
Gerard Marinus Verkerke, Phons Bakx - 2'29

7. The Oz Jig (Keene)
Anny Keene, Phons Bakx - 1'46

8. Darling Corey (trad. N. America)
Gerard Marinus Verkerke, Enno Meijers,
Phons Bakx - 1'36

9. The Twa Corbies (trad. Scotland)
David Campbell, Saša Salinasova,
Duncan Williamson, Phons Bakx - 2'35

10. Lord Lovat (trad. Scotland)
Duncan Williamson, Lindsay Porteous,
Phons Bakx - 1'32

11. Horndance Of Abbot's Bromley
/ Tarantella Napoletana
England / trad. Italy)
Casu Marzu Ensemble - 3'07

12. Aloeëtte, Voghel Clein (Lark, Little Bird)
Paul Rans / Paul van Loey)
Petra Kwekkeboom, Phons Bakx - 3'18

13. Duettu Sardu po sas Trunfas
Salvatore Aragoni, Phons Bakx - 3'51

14. Dance for Jew's harp and Mankosedda
Petra Kwekkeboom, Phons Bakx - 1'47

15. Македόния - (trad.Macedonia)
Pomme Clayton, Phons Bakx, Lindsay Porteous - 4'58

16. No Peanuts Before A Perfect Fifth
Kendall Rownd, Phons Bakx - 4'18

17. Elfin Dance (Kwekkeboom/Bakx)
Petra Kwekkeboom, Phons Bakx - 3'01

18. Jew's harp Mosaics, nr 2 & 5
Phons Bakx - 2'37

19. Γоворящий Хомус Саха Phons Bakx - 3'49

20. Suling Karinding (trad.Sunda)
Franky Berhitu, Phons Bakx - 2'15

21. Diluar Dengan Burung Dan Angin
(In Natur with a Bird and the Wind)
Gamelan Gengénggonggan - 3'24

22. Kětemu (Encountering)
Gamelan Gengénggonggan - 2'09

Bĺrad-Dűrbeheer - Cath.: BDb00197 PhB - Stemra

CD-data : © Phons Bakx & musicians publisher: Barad-Durbeheer BDb001-97PhB Offic. reg. at Stemra, Amstelveen (NL) published on: 27th January 1997 place: Middelburg (NL) number of trax: 22 playingtime: 64'35" with inside information: 3 pag.; text in 2 editions: Dutch and English (Nederlands en Engels) photographs: 5 in colors

Reduction price (shipping included): USA $ 12 / euro 10

attention: If you want to pay by bank-facilities you have to put on another $ 7,50 (about euro 7,50) because all the banks in Holland charge this amount of money for every transaction by cheque. It makes your sale more expensive. That is why it is in our opinion the best to put the amount of dollar banknotes into an envelop and send them to:



office: Lijsterbeslaan 19, 4334 BM - Middelburg (the Netherlands)

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PhonsBakx @ antropodium dot tweakdsl dot nl 




To the CD: Music and the Dispel of Thoughts, 1999